Special Features
Dale Ritterbusch with Jackson A. Niday, II Nine Poems followed by Democracy and Literature: A Conversation
“As I write this, I am crying”: Children’s Letters to Iraq
Benjamin Busch The Art in War
Stanley Horowitz Renditions
David Buchanan Third Country Nationals
Anthony Bukoski Report of the Guardian of the Sick
Book Excerpt
Michael Sledge from Soldier Dead: How We Recover, Identify, Bury, and Honor Our Military Fallen
Ron Sandvik “Panamax,” from Four Strings, Four Bullets
William Childress Two Poems
Rob Jacques Two Poems
Sofia Starnes Anemones
Brian C. Felder Looking for Bill Gray
Amy Nawrocki Broken Treaties
Josh Burgess Three Poems
Noel Crook War Photo
John Balaban For John Haag, Logger, Sailor, Housepainter, Poet, Professor, and Grower of Orchids
David Keplinger The Lamp and the Mirror
Thomas McGuire Garden Plots
Critical Essay
Leslie A. Werden Memories of Yesterday and Tomorrow: Familial Legacies in Titus and All My Sons
Jason S. Ridler War in the Precious Graveyard: Death through the Eyes of Guy Sajer
Matthew B. Hill The Dream from Which No One Wakes: Jarrell, Dreams, and War
Nils Clausson Sassoon’s Prose Trench Lyric and the Romantic Tradition: The Ending of Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man
Alex Moffett “We Will Remember Them”: The Poetic Rewritings of Lutyens’ Cenotaph
David Yost Skins Before Reputations: Subversions of Masculinity in Ambrose Bierce and Stephen Crane
Jerry M. Long From Gilgamesh to Fatwas: Reading the Ideology of al-Qaida as Epic
Douglas Higbee Siegfried Sassoon, Fellow-traveler: Poetry, Socialism, and the British Veterans’ Movement
Personal Essay
Jim Kelly Instant Gandhi
Philip Beidler The Invisible ARVN: The South Vietnamese Soldier in American Representations of the Vietnam War
Tamara Miner Haygood Prisoner of War Memoirs of World War II: The European Theatre
James A. Moad II Re-imagining the Past through Letters
Carl E. Bartecchi, M.D. How an Art Form (Photography) Influenced a Practice of Medicine
Recall Roster
William Newmiller Hadji Murád by Leo Tolstoy
Editor's Choice
Donald Anderson The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman
Ulysses S. Grant by Josiah Bunting III
Putnam: An Essay on the Life of the Honourable Major-General Israel by David Humphreys
TakeDown: The 3rd Infantry Division's Twenty-One Day Assault on Baghdad by Jim Lacey