Table of Contents
Volume 32, 2020
Donald Anderson / How to Write Violence: A Practicum
Caleb Carr / Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr’s Salient
Krystal McGuiness / Crossing Over and Fatal Light: A Conversation with Richard Currey
Thomas McGuire / Strategic Humanism: Lessons in Leadership from the Ancient Greeks:
Political Animal Press / Panel Discussion of Strategic Humanism with Claudia Hauer
Steven Wingate / From Death Camps to the Space Race: An Interview with Patrick Hicks
Shane A. Emplaincourt / Johnny Got His Gun and “One”: Remembering Basket Case Joe Bonham
Amanda R. Gradisek / Refocusing on Women and the Obscene in Viet Nguyen’s The Sympathizer
Steve Lukits / Fictions of Frustration: Two Novels about Cold War Fighter Pilots
Myra Mendible / Silence Amid the Din of War: Sound and Vision in Brian Turner’s My Life as a Foreign Country
Douglas Penick / Searching In War Unending: On David Jones in the Centenary of the WWI Armistice
Josh Sopiarz / “Transitory Indignities”: Trauma and the Commuter Train in The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Larry Abbott / Masks, Mirrors, and Windows: The Photographs of Ron Whitehead
Pam Chadick-Aloisa / What Good Is Art in the Military?: The Work of Carlin Kielcheski
Jim Fairhall / A Field Day for the Heat
Elie Piha / Looking for Bowe
Donald A. Ranard / Fallout
Frank Richards / By the Rivers of Babylon
John Van Kirk / Missing and Presumed Dead
Joseph Bathanti / Di Bo Chet
Thomas Bonner, Jr. / Lir at Sea and Ashore
William Virgil Davis / The Mission
Julie Naasko Deutcher / Summer 1976
Carol Dine / Two Poems
Jehanne Dubrow / Three Poems
W. D. Ehrhart / Celebrating the New Year 1968/1969
s.g.t. grasmuck / andokides
Marie Herbert / One Silent Voice
Frank Higgins / Vietnam (a haiku sequence)
Clark Holtzman / Passage
Jeffrey N. Johnson / One Old, One Young
Adrie Kusserow / Four Poems
Joseph D. Milosch / Bamboo & Lemongrass
Brandon Lingle / Pandemic Hours: A Conversation with Jesse Goolsby
Jesse Goolsby / Excerpt from Acceleration Hours: Stories
Stephanie Cox / Madeleine Riffaud’s “Étoile de Sang” (“Star of Blood”)
Jeff Loeb / “We’ve All Been There”
Paul Porter and Eric L. Gruver / Black Bread and Barbed Wire: A World War II POW’s Story
FILM REVIEWS by Jonathan Lighter
Lebanon (2009)
The Unknown Soldier (2017)
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
1917 (2019)
The Outpost (2020)
BOOK REVIEWS by MaxieJane Frazier / Deborah Jones / Diana Polley
The Mysteries of Haditha: A Memoir by M.C. Armstrong
Glorious Boy by Aimee Liu
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Angel Fire: War, Remembrance, and an American Tragedy by Steven Trout